In this video, we are going to talk about menus on our Gutenberg site. So to get to Menus from here on our Dashboard, we need to go to Appearance, then Menus.
You’ll see here that we have several different menu options that we can edit, but for the purposes of training, we are just going to focus on our main navigation, or Primary Navigation.
To add pages to our menu, you can do so by going to Pages here on the left, and I think I want to add this “Our Technology” page, so I’m going to click “Add to Menu” and it’s added here.
And what’s really cool about using menus with Wordpress is that you can easily just drag and drop these wherever you want and you can also nest them underneath other pages, as well, and that will be reflected on the frontend.
Let me show you. So I’m going to Save and then go to our frontend here, refresh it, and you’ll see that “Our Technology” page is now nested under “Our Services”. But we don’t want that there, so let’s go back. We want this to be its own stand alone page.
Another thing that’s good to note is that you can add custom links instead of regular pages that you have. You can enter your URL here, add link text, and then we can say “Add to Menu”. And then you can save it.
And then if we refresh our frontend, you’ll see that custom link right there. But let’s say you made a mistake and you no longer want a certain page in your menu. No big deal. Just click on it, and then you can say Remove.
When you’re done, don’t forget to Save. If your site has a mega menu, there are additional instructions in the How-To we provided.