How to Use Gravity Forms

How to Use Gravity Forms

In this video, I will give a quick demonstration of how to use Gravity Forms. I will show you how to access and edit existing forms, add and customize form fields, and configure form settings such as URL redirects and email notifications. Pay attention to the steps and options mentioned as they will help you navigate and utilize Gravity Forms effectively. No action is requested from you in this video.
0:01 Hello everyone, Toby here from Orbit Media and I'm going to give you a quick demonstration today of how to use gravity forms. 0:09 Using it is pretty straightforward, uh there's just a few things to know. In order to get two gravity forms, you're going to go to forms over here in your sidebar. 0:19 If you don't see this, please let your team know. Once you go to forms, you'll find a list of all of your existing forms on your site and you can edit one of them. 0:30 That clicking edit will take you to this screen where you can edit the form fields uh for the specific form. 0:37 So we have here you can see first name, last name, email, phone, questions and comments and then also the submit button. 0:43 You can Do things like change your submit button text or uh adjust any of the fields. If you want to add fields you'll see this add fields tab over here on the right. 0:54 And this is where you can add various different types of fields to your form. Uh and then you can also rename things uh change the label depending on what types of information you need. 1:04 Down here there's an option to make all of your uh your fields required. Um so once you've got all of your fields the way you want them uh and the way you want the user to interact with them you'll go up here and click save form. 1:16 And there's a- there's a couple more things you need to know. Um so once the form has been saved uh over here under settings you can go to form settings. 1:24 There's not much in here besides uh the title of the form itself. And then if we go to you come. 1:34 You can see most of the time you're going to have a URL redirect that goes to a thank you page. 1:39 I can also come in here and edit this and turn it into like a basic text thank you message if I need to. 1:44 Most of your forms will probably use a redirect. Um and then lastly I will go to notifications and this is where all of your information for the admin email is located. 1:57 So in this case whenever someone fills out the form it will send a confirmation email to this email address. 2:05 And down here you can see here's the subject uhh and the message of the email and this is uhh these these are basically the dynamic fields that will uhh pull in all of the information based on how the user fills out the form.2:19 And that's it that's really all there is to gravity forms!